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Divergent Surf Float

SKU: 1002-06

Divergent Surf Float

Regular price €7,60 EUR
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Super Divergent fixed float with right or left mounting

Cralusso SURF float

studied down to the smallest detail, its particular shape brings advantages that no other float could offer until today:
- the line can be stopped without drifting.
- it is possible to run the line upstream.
- the line can be moved away from the edge to pass an obstacle, or make shortcuts.
It is much better to fish with Bolognese or coarse fishing.
Sold with two fine antennas (one red and one yellow) and three profiled antennas (red, yellow, black).

Intended for fishing in the current, the Cralusso float is simply a revolutionary float! Studied down to the smallest detail, its particular shape brings advantages that no other float could provide until today. With this float, what you didn't think you could do before now belongs to the world of possibility. In the lineage of the evolution of floats from classic shapes to flat floats, Cralusso takes the research sector even further and is, in a certain way, a conclusion that will be difficult to surpass!

Available in weights: 3-4-6-8-10-15-20

If you want to see some catches with the Cralusso Surf you can go to, like this 3kg sea bass a-fiumicino.html taken in the Fiumicino canal, near the Bastianelli restaurant.

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