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Floating bolus

SKU: 1005-03

Floating bolus

Regular price €5,95 EUR
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Cralusso BOLO float

Cralusso - Bolo
Cralusso BOLO float

Designed in particular for puree and bolognese fishing.
This float stays in the same wake longer than a classic float. It allows you to catch fish that are placed in the current and where the groundbait particles are released. A fantastic truth more for fishing in the river, in passing.
Sold with 2 fine antennas (one red and one yellow) and three profiled antennas (red, yellow, black).

Intended for fishing in the current, the Cralusso float is simply a revolutionary float! Studied down to the smallest detail, its particular shape has advantages that no other float could offer until today. With this float, what you thought you couldn't do before now belongs to the world of possibility.

Available in weights: 3-4-6-8-10-12-15-20.

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